Which coffee beans are less acidic?

Which coffee beans are less acidic

Do you love coffee that sometimes leaves your stomach feeling a bit off? If that’s the case, this blog post was made just for you! We all understand how the acidity of coffee can cause tummy discomfort, especially if you experience acid reflux. You don’t have to give up on your beloved brew though! In today’s article, we will uncover all there is to know about low-acidity coffee beans and how to still get your daily caffeine fix without upsetting your digestive system. So let’s go ahead and see what makes some beans less acidic!

Arabica coffee beans

Arabica coffee beans

Arabica coffee beans are known for their smooth and delicate flavor profile, making them a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts. These beans are grown at higher altitudes, which contributes to their distinctive taste.

One of the reasons why Arabica beans are less acidic compared to other varieties is their lower levels of chlorogenic acid. This compound is responsible for the acidity in coffee and can cause discomfort for individuals with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux.

The cultivation process also plays a role in reducing the acidity of Arabica beans. They require specific growing conditions such as cool temperatures, ample shade, and well-drained soil. This results in slower ripening and more complex flavors while minimizing acidity.

Additionally, Arabica coffee has a naturally sweeter taste due to its higher sugar content. The combination of low acidity and sweetness makes it an excellent choice for those seeking a less acidic cup of joe.

It’s worth noting that not all Arabica coffees have the same level of acidity. Factors such as origin, roast level, and brewing method can still influence the overall acidity of your cup. However, generally speaking, choosing Arabica beans over other varieties can be a step towards enjoying a smoother and less acidic brew.

Robusta coffee beans

Robusta coffee beans

Robusta coffee beans, also known as Coffea canephora, are the second most widely cultivated species of coffee in the world. Unlike Arabica beans, Robusta beans are known for their strong and bold flavor profile.

One of the key characteristics of Robusta beans is their higher caffeine content compared to Arabica. In fact, Robusta contains almost double the amount of caffeine! This makes it a popular choice for those who need an extra boost of energy in the morning or throughout the day.

In terms of acidity, Robusta beans tend to have a higher acidity level than Arabica. This means that they may not be suitable for individuals with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux issues. However, it’s important to note that not all Robusta coffees are excessively acidic – some varieties have a more balanced and milder taste.

The Best Coffee Beans For People With Acid Reflux

The Best Coffee Beans For People With Acid Reflux

Acidity in coffee is a tricky thing. Most folks hate it very much. This is usually just a matter of taste, but it could also be because your stomach is sensitive.

If you’re looking for a more stomach-friendly brew, there are certain types of coffee beans that tend to be less acidic than others. One popular choice is Arabica coffee beans. These beans have lower levels of chlorogenic acid, which is one of the main culprits behind the acidity in coffee. As a result, Arabica coffees are often smoother and gentler on the digestive system.

Another option to consider is Robusta coffee beans. While Robusta beans typically have higher caffeine content than Arabica beans, they also tend to have lower levels of acidity. This makes them a good choice for those with acid reflux who still want an energy boost without the added discomfort.

When selecting your coffee beans, it’s important to look for ones that are labeled as low-acid or specifically marketed toward individuals with sensitive stomachs. These varieties often go through special processing methods or have their acidity levels adjusted during roasting to create a more gentle cup of joe.

In addition to choosing the right type of bean, there are other steps you can take to reduce the overall acidity of your brewed coffee at home. Opting for darker roast profiles can help decrease acidity as well as using cold brewing methods instead of hot brewing techniques.


Finding the right coffee beans that are less acidic can make a world of difference for those with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs. While both Arabica and Robusta coffee beans have their own unique characteristics, it is clear that Arabica beans tend to be less acidic and gentler on the digestive system.

If you’re looking for a flavorful option with lower acidity, choosing Arabica coffee beans is your best bet. They offer a smooth and mellow taste while minimizing the chances of triggering acid reflux symptoms. Additionally, opting for light or medium roast Arabica beans can further reduce acidity levels.

One effective method is cold brewing. This process involves steeping ground coffee in cold water overnight, resulting in a smoother and less acidic cup of joe. Alternatively, adding milk or creamer can help neutralize some of the acids present in coffee.

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